e-Ethnography project space

The way we learn, the way we work
Il progetto e-Ethnography ha come obiettivo quello di capire come imparano, lavorano, usano le tecnologie i giovani della 'generazione y' (ovvero i nati dagli anni 1980).

Questo blog vuole essere, infatti, un supporto bibliografico a questo progetto di ricerca osservazionale, in modo particolare, il suo scopo è quello di servire quale mezzo per raccogliere il materiale utile per lo studio e la promozione dell'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro dei neoassunti e come questi approcciano una determinata learning culture aziendale.

giovedì 26 marzo 2009

7 unique attributes of generation Y

According to Deloitte U.S. company the key to building a Gen Y customer platform is to first understand the seven unique attributes of this generation:
• As financial freshmen, Gen Yers have easier access to, and more information about, financial products and services than earlier generations did at this stage of life. However, when it comes to implementation, they are still novices.
• Being independently dependent, Gen Yers are self-directed and resourceful in conducting research on financial services products but often seek recommendations from, and validation of, their decisions from family, friends and financial advisors.
• Gen Yers are practically motivated at this stage in life and are naturally concerned with obtaining products and services at an affordable price.
Tech-savvy Gen Yers grew up as “technology natives” and view technology as an extension of themselves, compared to baby boomers, who view it more as a tool.
• Gen Y has an entrepreneurial spirit.
• The consumer world is becoming increasingly diverse on many fronts and Gen Y embodies this diversity.
Socially mindful Gen Yers show a propensity for being altruistic and environmentally conscious or “green.”

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