e-Ethnography project space

The way we learn, the way we work
Il progetto e-Ethnography ha come obiettivo quello di capire come imparano, lavorano, usano le tecnologie i giovani della 'generazione y' (ovvero i nati dagli anni 1980).

Questo blog vuole essere, infatti, un supporto bibliografico a questo progetto di ricerca osservazionale, in modo particolare, il suo scopo è quello di servire quale mezzo per raccogliere il materiale utile per lo studio e la promozione dell'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro dei neoassunti e come questi approcciano una determinata learning culture aziendale.

martedì 3 febbraio 2009

New Millennium Learners (NML) project

Is conducted by Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). The emergence of digital native learners has major potential implications for education. The objective of the NML is to analyse this new generation of learners and understand their expectations and attitudes. The impact of digital technologies on cognitive skills and on learning expectations, and the evolution of social values and lifestyles are important issues.

Initially, the project is intended to focus on the demand side of the NML, thus looking at the main areas of concern resulting from the impact of a continuous use of digital devices and services. In the later stage, the project will deal with the supply side, reviewing what educational institutions have done to accommodate or to struggle with NML characteristics, expectations and needs.

Realted links:
New Millenium Learners Blog